The Oak Hill Fund

To promote the well-being of mankind through effective and inspiring grantmaking.

Important Update June 3, 2024:

We’re almost there!  We are still working through the final details on our strategic planning and will be taking 2-3 more months to implement changes. We are eager to get back to grantmaking and we understand the impact this may have with existing grantees.  We again thank you for your patience.

Important Update December 1, 2023:

The Oak Hill Fund Board and Staff are currently working with consultants on a new strategic plan as part of the next generation of the family taking the helm. During this time, we will not be accepting any requests for funding. We will of course honor all current commitments whether invitations to submit proposals, multi-year grants, or contracts. Our intent is to resume grantmaking starting June 1, 2024. Any changes to our programs or processes will be posted on our website. We recognize this may have an impact on our grantees and ask for your patience and understanding as we develop the next iteration of The Oak Hill Fund.

Prior to this temporary pause, we welcomed letters of inquiry in the following areas:


The Oak Hill Fund
PO Box 1624
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Copyright ©2023 The Oak Hill Fund
